Snowkiting 1on1
We have started a new video on YouTube with som info regarding snowkiting etc. We get asked a lot about tips and tricks around snowkiting, therefor Bernie and Julia made “Snowkiting 1on1 with Tundra Tours” The first film is all about what we pack in a backpack when we are out kiting.
You can watch the video below. Please be sure to click the bell butten to be alerted when our next film is out and while you are at it, why not follow our YouTube channel 😉 Cheers the Tundra Tours Team
It has been awhile…
Been busy so no time to blog. Winter ended with Corona and we where suddenly in a situation we never have experienced before. Really afraid for the future as all of our bookings went out the window… So far it was an amazing year and the shutdown was like a shock for us, like everyone else out there. Luck enough we got the wheels turning again. In the meantime we looked forward and planned the summer. We have had an hectic summer with our kite school, teaching kiteboarding as well as fishing tours and beaver safari trips. With our Kite School we have been up north to Bodø region as well as Trondheim and as far south as Kragerø. Great fun! Now we are planning a new trip to Kragerø for the autumn for nearly 3 weeks with our Kite School. An image we took of one of our students shredding the waves 😀

Is the ice safe…?
Before any adventure out on the ice for the first time, its important to check the depth and strength of the ice. 10cm of “steel ice” is plenty strong. This type of ice can in fact carry 400kg!
When we head out on the ice for the first time we drill a hole with a dedicated ice drill (same as the ones one use for ice fishing) When we get trough the ice, we measure the hole with the help of using a measuring tape. We drill a couple of holes to check the ice on different places around just to be sure we have ourself covered.
When doing this, we need to secure ourselves in case we are to fall trough the ice. We use ise pikes that we have hanging around our neck for easy access.
In the video you see that I point at 10 inches and not 10 cm. This is because I accidentally pointed at the wrong spot on the measuring tape while I was filming. But the the correct thickness of the ice was in fact 10cm
Trøndelag BESTE Kitekurs!

Winter is knocking at our doors here in Namsskogan, Trøndelag. As I am typing the snow is falling gently outside our living room window as the fire crackling away in the wood stove. We simply LOVE winter!
On the 6th Desember our first snowkiting classes will be held here at the foothills of Børgefjell National Park, and we are super excited! We have only 2 spot left 😀 If you wanna join, then get in touch NOW. I don’t think that we have got so many eager kiters booked this quickly before 🙂 Over the last three years we have worked really hard to promote this aria for kiters and finally, it seams like now finally, this place is getting the recognition it really deserves. In fact this place is actually Trøndelags BEST Kite spot with snow and wind guarantee!
With our eager instructors, you are sure to learn this sport in no time! (We recommend that you know how to ski before start snowkiting) It’s the fastes growing sport and we understand why. This is so much fun 😀 Don’t worry its safe, under our instructions you will be in safe hands throughout your snowkiting class. Get inspired and get pumped by watching one of our kiting films attached below (Ps! The film is in Norwegian)
Trøndelag BESTE KITEKURS NAMDALEN 24.7 Trøndelag svar på kiting Snøkiting i Trøndelags BESTE Kite Spot