Stove Cooking View Lavvu Ovn

Gstove AS leverer kun produkter av best mulig kvalitet som er designet selv, ovner og tilbehør er laget av rustfritt stål som varer år etter år.
Vi lanserer stadig nye produkter og tilbehør som passer sammen for å skape den beste turopplevelsen.

Denne lavvoovnen er designet for deg som er glad i å dra på tur, men samtidig ønsker noe av lettvintheten du har hjemme.
Ovnen har integrert bakerovn og kokemuligheter på topp slik at du fortsatt kan nyte lasagne og pizza på tur.
Ovnen laget i rustfritt stål som sørger for en ovn som er robust og av best mulig kvalitet.

Vår unike ovn har integrert stekeovn som gjør det enkelt å lage all type mat som hjemme og imponere dine turpartnere med ferske rundtstykker, kake, pizza eller bare ovnsteke den ferske fisken dere akkurat fikk opp av vannet.
Her er det kun fantasien som stopper opp hva du kan lage.

**Forhøyet kant: 
Vi har en forhøyet kant i bakenden av våre ovner som skaper ett dragsug og økt forbrenning og dermed mer effekt og mindre vedforbruk.

På døren finner du luftinntaket i form av en dreieskive.
Ved full åpning blir ovnen fort varm og rødglødende og gir god varme i lavvoen, men selv på lavest vil den holde fyr i ovnen, dette sørger for at ovnen ikke slukker.
Døren på Gstove kan hukes av festet slik at du kan ta den av og dermed få ristet ut alle rester i ovnen før du pakker sammen etter turen.

Bena slås sammen under transport for å ta mindre plass og for å sørge for at ovnen står stabilt.
De festes med robuste splinter i bena for å sikre at bena ikke klapper sammen eller ovnen velter under bruk.
Dersom du ønsker mer høyde på ovnen har vi 30 cm ben som selges som ekstrautstyr, disse byttes enkelt ut med de originale bena.

Standard pipedeler som følger med gir en høyde på 234 cm.
Disse er plassert inni ovnen for å spare plass under transport.
Der finner du også en topphatt som fordeler røyken jevnt til alle sider og sørger for at mer varme blir inni Lavvoen/teltet samtidig som røyken siver ut.
Du kan enkelt justere pipehøyden ved å kjøpe ekstra pipedeler for å dekke høyden du trenger.
Vi selger også bøyde pipedeler slik at du kan bruke våre ovner i hvilket som helst telt.

Inni ovnen finner du to rister som kan tas ut om du ønsker større vedkubber.
Ristene sørger for at ved brenner effektivt og ikke danner store kullbiter, men blir i stedet porøs aske som enkelt kan skrapes ut med den medfølgende askeskraperen.
Vedkubber kan gå hele veien inn, men er de for store vil de treffe bakerovnen.
Fra åpningen tll bakerovn er det 23 cm for store vedkubber.

Håndtakene på toppen kan brukes som tørkestativ eller avlastning for kjeler.
De gjør det også enklere å bære med seg ovnen på tur og to kan bære ovnen sammen om ønskelig.
Disse foldes sammen under transport for å spare plass.

I tillegg til standardpipene og ristene følger det også med en askeskraper for rengjøring av ovnen.
Denne ligger plassert inni ovnen under transport.
Askeskraperen bruker du når det er mye aske under risten, dette sørger for at du alltid har høy oksygentilførsel inni ovnen og ovnen brenner maksimalt.


Materiale: Rustfritt stål
Høyde med standard piper og ben: 234 cm
Ovn høyde: 20 cm
Ovn lengde: 39 cm
Ovn Bredde: 22 cm
Døråpning Høyde: 16,5 cm
Døråpning Bredde: 13,5 cm
Ben Høyde: 10 cm (Kan oppgraderes med 30cm ben)
Pipelengde standard: 36,5 cm
Håndtak/Tørkestativ Lengde: 29 cm
Håndtak/Tørkestativ bredde: 13,5 cm
Bakerovn (integrert) lengde: 22.5cm
Bakerovn (integrert) Bredde: 14 cm
Bakerovn (integrert) Høyde: 7 cm
Vekt: 10 kg
Anbefales til: 2-8 persons telt

Standard innhold:
1 x Ovn
2 x Pipedel (21 cm)
3 x Pipedel 25 cm
3 x Pipedel (36.5 cm)
1 x Askerist
1 x Askeskraper
1 x Topphatt (20 cm)
1 x Dør med glassvindu

Star Walk – Snowshoeing and Photography Tour

Leave the beaten tracks, immerse yourself in the polar night and walk your way under the stars.

Take the time to feel what winter is really about at high latitudes. Your guide will lead you to untouched snowy landscapes, to read the tracks of wildlife and admire the stars, the moon and maybe the Northern Lights. The arctic wilderness reveals its most intimate beauty during the night, when the snow is glistening and sparkling under the moonlight.

Included: Guide, transportation, snowshoes and poles, a backpack with a warm meal, snack and hot drinks. Photography tips, pictures of the tour sent by email. Drop-off at your accommodation in Røyrvik.
Duration: 5-6 hours
Number of participants: 2-8
Level of difficulty: Easy
Departure time and place: 6pm (18:00) at Limingen Gjestegård


Topaz’ reinsdyrsåler er et naturprodukt som holder deg både tørr og varm. Sålene har helt spesielle egenskaper: Når du har brukt dem i et par timer, formes de etter foten. Dermed omslutter sålene føttene perfekt og fungerer om en fotseng. Støvsuger du sålene, går de tilbake til sin opprinnelige form og blir nesten som nye…

How to get here

HOW TO GET HERE Røyrvik also known as Limingen, the local municipality close to Børgefjell is located 260 kilometres North of Trondheim Airport Værnes (TRD).  From there you have alternative options for travelling to Røyrvik / Limingen. We can provide transfer by car to and from the airport (Trondheim or Namsos) for an extra fee. The drive…



Our complete harness set consists of the waist harness art nr 910-4 and
the shoulder harness art. Nr. 910-5
A comfortable solution for dragging the pulks with ropes or shafts (dragging bars).


Technical Data

name Complete Harness set
weight 450 g
size universal
adjustment fittings 4x top and  4x bottom
construction 15mm Alveolit foam padding
stitched with 1000d Cordura
inner side with highly elastic
“Schöller” material
double-stitched strap
colour Black
dragging strap / rope connection welded D-ring and Carbine hook in SS steel
shoulder strap connection Carbine hooks, 25mm strap
art. No. 910 – 6



This is Acapulka’s unique dragging bar system that fits all the Acapulka’s on the market.
Completely separable and easy to transport.
Extremely strong but elastic. With a far higher safety
aspect than conventional dragging bars, that other pulks makers provide.
This is what you need when kiting, ski-trekking or you are on expeditions.


The main focus is: safety, functionality and easy transportation.
This dragging bar system lets you control the pulk in all types of situations
and at all types of speeds. Still its not too stiff, elasticity means safety and longer life.
With measurements of 106x13x3cm packed in the transport bag, its easy to transport.


We managed to complete this task, with a completely separable, more safe and lighter dragging bar system than any other on the market.
The glass fibre tubes and the H-part are thread over the wire and secured with an eyebolt.
All dragging forces are distributed through the wire to the pulk.
The tubes only  control the pulks direction and keep distance to the skier in a downhill track.
The forces on the tubes are considerably lower in this construction.
In other words, the risk of a breaking tube is significantly reduced.
In the unlikely event of a breaking tube, the wire keeps the broken parts in place.
Some tape or rope and a tent plug e.g, would be enough to repair it and continue the trip.



This is unique with its design.
Due to the fact that there are no pulling forces on the tubes this kind of repair would do the job.
After the trip, the broken tube can easily be replaced with a new one. No tools required.
The carbine hook is big enough to be used with thick gloves.
All steel parts are made of A4 stainless steel.
Rust will not appear. The dragging system is delivered in a transportation/storage bag.


Technical  Data

name Dragging Bar “Wire System”
weight 1700 g
length 185 cm /packdims 106x13x3cm
sections 5
construction Manufactured tube parts assembled over a wire
with swage terminals eye bolts
tubes Multiaxial glassfibretubes
Color: black
pulk attachment Fork terminals and special hinges
(all in stainless steel)
harness attachment Eye bolt and Carbine Hook
all in stainless steel
optional aluminium carbine hook
H-part Welded aluminium tube
art. no. 910-3

Acapulka Scandic Tour 170


This is our favourite pulk that we use here at Tundra Tours. This pulk was developed for hard work in both the Arctic and Antarctic. It’s a real hybrid pulk. Man hauling or kiting, its doing its job, effective and reliable. A real allround expedition pulk.


The high, round bow section provides strength and excellent movability through tough ice conditions. The overall dimensions offer floating abilities needed when moving on sea ice.
63 cm width makes this pulk a very stable one. This is also reflected through the
bottom design of the pulk. It  is designed to create a maximum of stability.
Therefore its very good to use in combination with kites, on days with favorable winds.


If you usually go on tours with a lavvu and lavvu oven, then this is the perfect pulk for you. It has loads room for just that, pluss all your extra gear.


It’s the first model that is designed to fit perfectly to Acapulka’s new runner system, which is unique.
The milled runners increases the gliding abilities significantly compared  to flat runner surfaces that have been the standard until now. Experienced Polar Explorers were astonished of its effects, when testing these runners.

The pulks can be nested ( put into each other) when transported or stored.

Technical Data

name Expedition Tour 170
weight 8 kg
length 170 cm
max. width 63 cm
volume > 600 l
construction Glassfibre reinforced Polyester Handlayup
body Glassfibres
Polyester Resins
color: standard white
cover 500 DEN Cordura fabric
tightening straps
lift handles
color: standard red
dragging bar/rope pickup SS fitting
runners STSR runners, replaceable
art. no. 5-170-0

Acapulka Scandic Tour 135


The perfect pulk for kiting!


The ET 135 is the result of several years of R & D involving designers, builders, and experienced users. The R & D process has paid off with new Delta Wings that increase transverse stability and load capacity without significant sacrifices in friction or steering properties. This makes the ET 135 excellent in difficult terrain and in combination with kites. With the load capacity matching sledges from 150-160 cm, it’s still easy to get the ET 135 to an expeditions launch point due to the fact that it’s a shorter pulk.


The runners are changed in 2014 to our new unique low friction runner system called STSR. – Side Track Stabilizing Rail. Extraordinary glide with excellent side track
Stability. As with all of Acapulka’s successful sledges, the ET 135 has a high rounded front section that helps it stay on top of deep snow.


The tough cover of the ET 135 is of top quality CORDURA.


Straps and D-rings holding your supplies are fastened directly to the hull of the sledge
With solid rivets, not just sewn on the cover!

Technical Data

name Expedition Tour 135
weight 6 kg
length 135 cm
max. width 62 cm
volume > 350 l at 50cm packing height
construction Glasfibre reinforced Polyester Handlayup
body Glassfibres
Polyester Resins
Color: standard white
cover 500 DEN Cordura fabric
tightening straps
carrying handles
color: standard red
dragging bar/rope pickup stainless steel terminal
runners STSR runners, replaceable
art. no. 5-135-0